Ouch! My Jaw.
Ive spent $300+ on music apps this past few months. There are some very impressive, rich sounding, and beautifully developed apps in this store. This app however, caused my jaw to unhinge, and plummet down with enough force to break through 2 levels of concrete, ending up in the basement.
I had seen this app floating in the store before, and dismissed it as just another silly toy. I was so wrong.
1st: This is no crappy pre-recorded sample player with pads. This is a drum synthesizer, and a RICH SOUNDING ONE at that. I later discovered its made by the same guys that brought us the Sunrizer Synth, it all made sense then.
2nd: There are no pads or keys, whaaaaaa? (Insert shocked minion here.) You tap or bang whatever surface you want and the microphone picks it up. The best part about this, is that the acoustics and intensity of the sounds you produce when tapping translate directly to expression in the synthesized drums. I have both studio monitor headphones, and audiophile reference headphones. When recorded correctly, I almost cant tell the difference between some of these synthesized instruments, and real ones. This is when I lost my jaw. I miss it very much, eating soup is very awkward now.
3rd: You can tweak the sound. That should be a good enough sentence for my third point but some advanced users may argue that there arent enough options. While I disagree, I present to you Audiobus, and its popular effects slot, in which you can use other apps to modify the sound till your hearts content or you bleed out through your ears.
4th: I dont need a fourth point, I dont have jaw, Im very much in pain, and you expect too much of me. Just buy the app so we all look alike and the developers can afford my lawsuit.
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