I think that this has huge potential. To me, several of the reviews have missed the point. First of all, in my opinion, the virtue of this thing is precisely that it does NOT have an on-screen control widget; it uses the sound generated by drumming on a tabletop (or on real percussion instruments which you may already know how to play), an inherently analog and sensitive process which allows a natural access to dynamic range and timbral variation just not possible in tapping on a picture of a button on a glass screen.
The app does, in fact, provide control of input sensitivity, and its possible to tailor that to eliminate almost all false triggers. (If youre trying to make this work in a subway station, youre out of luck. Buy any of the more traditional "drum machine" apps.)
I do understand and sympathize with the frustration of not being able to use Bluetooth headsets, but thats a tricky one... A set of through-the-air Bluetooth speakers looks just the same to the app, however, but would produce horrendous howling feedback loops which would result in horrendous howling ticked-off reviews. Still, it might be better to give people the rope, with instructions for not hanging themselves. (By the way, I have no idea why Bluetooth doesnt work; Im totally guessing.)
Finally, the claim that this is limited to only simple "beats" is... well, you need to get out more, and listen to the music which is made by hand drummers from all over the globe. An Indian classical tabla player just uses his hands and fingers to make some of the most complicated percussion music in the world, for instance. This app doesnt have the sensitivity of a piece of stretched animal skin, but its the first thing Ive seen which even comes close.
I very much hope that Audiobus support is coming soon! Id also like to see more real-world instrument samples included. The "Ethnic" kit is a good start, with a lot of useful sounds, but Id love more Western orchestral percussion and trap set sounds, too. And finally, did I mention that Im holding my breath waiting for Audiobus support? Oh yeah, and also add Audiobus! This app and Auria are just dying to make music together!
Tburgueso about Impaktor